Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Sample Resume Nursing Care Plan - 2036 Words

Nursing Care Plan Student Vincent Estacio Course Nurs 210 skills Date March 2015 Instructor Patient Initial T.M. Age 32 Height/Weight 5’11 190 lbs Code Status Full Code Allergies N.K.A Unit Telemetry Room# Temp (C/F Site) Pulse (Site) Respiration Pulse Ox (O2 Sat) Blood Pressure Pain Scale 1-10 101 115 31 90% on oxygen 2 L/min via nasal cannula 170/96 4 History of Present Illness including Admission Diagnosis Relevant Physical Assessment Findings (normal abnormal) Relevant Diagnostic Procedures/Results Surgeries (include dates, if not found state so) Patient was admitted with diagnosis of emphysema exacerbated by pneumonia at 2100 and transferred to Telemetry Emphysema is as a chronic obstructive respiratory disease and is grouped as an disorder called COPD. COPD’s overall effect is shortness of breath and use of accessory muscles for labored breathing. The pathophisiology of emphysema is the progressive damage of the alveoli (Emphysema) Alveoli are small sacs clustered together in the end of each persons lower respiratory tract where active gas exchange happens. The walls of the alveoli weaken and eventually rupture with constant chemical damage such as smoking. According to an article by Mayo Clinic â€Å"Emphysema†, Once the alveoli is damaged, less gas exchange happens causing labored breathing and shortness of breath. Relevant Physical Findings: Respiratory effort is labored and shallow and use of accessory muscles.Show MoreRelatedSample Resume : Nursing Care Plan1506 Words   |  7 PagesNURSING CARE PLAN Student Justin De Vera Date 3-12-16 Instructor Professor Vaughn Course 316L Patient Initial X.L Unit/ Room# 310 DOB 12-21-1989 Code Status Full Code Height/Weight 5’6’’ and 150 lbs. Allergies NKDA Temp (C/F Site) Pulse (Site) Respiration Pulse Ox (O2 Sat) Blood Pressure Pain Scale 1-10 97.8 F 74 18 99% Room Air 125/78 7/10 History of Present Illness including Admission Diagnosis Chief Complaint (normal abnormal) supported with Evidence Based Citations Physical AssessmentRead MoreThank The Wcccd Sna And Staff1220 Words   |  5 Pagesappreciate the opportunity to meet fellow nursing students and prospective employers and educators. I was impressed by the NSNA’s display of professionalism, organization and how they met the standards of the Code of Conduct established by the Board of Directors. Over the course of the conference, I was able to spend many hours at different workshops that gave me the information and tools that I need to integrate in my success as a student and future nurse. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald - 1527 Words

I already knew the Director Baz Luhrmann’s makings of The Great Gatsby wasn t going to be perfect, I like the movie because of the action and I dislike reading. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s great American novel is a basis of most American teenagers’ introduction into literature, it’s as if it was specifically built to resist filmmakers. The Great Gatsby book gave more feeling and relations of life than the movie. That a film is an interpretation of a book, but it missed a lot of things that could have been added in someone. The Great Gatsby book and movie has a lot of differences, but also a lot of the same things of it. In the The Elevator Scene it was different. I felt as It’s an American Shakespeare. There are similarities in the type of way†¦show more content†¦In the film, this becomes Nick making out with Myrtle’s sister and waking up in his underwear on his own front porch at his house. When he’s singing these bombastic praises of Gatsby, it was a wonder of how much of his description is affected by his affection for Gatsby, and by bringing up this potential question of sexual preference. Its not the main plot, but it could have helped the movie to go into more depth of the friendship of Gatsby and Nick which is kinda the heart of the story. Daisy isn t that cool and innocent like she seem to be. In the book, Daisy went to go see her daughter when Gatsby comes to the Buchanans’ home for lunch. She plays with the child, say how beautiful she is, and then sends her away with her nanny. The child not a part of her soul, something most mothers can’t bear to live without. Instead, she goes to her plaything, and she comes out when it suits her and goes back to her mother when Daisy is done. Compared to the moment into the film might have made Daisy unlikable, which wouldn’t work for the director of the movie set up of the big moment in which Tom finds out Gatsby and Daisy have been canoodling at Gatsby’s mansion. Then it would have made the scene more true and far less wishy washy and unbelievable. When Daisy says she loved Tom and she loved Gatsby, Gatsby’s world was like destroying by Daisy leaving out like she did. Like it was weird to think that how could she love both of them? Could it be, she’s not

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Impact of Advertising free essay sample

Advertising Objectives Advertising objectives are the communication tasks to be accomplished with specific customers that a company is trying to reach during a particular time frame. A company that advertises usually strives to achieve one of four advertising objectives: trial, continuity, brand switching, and switchback. Which of the four advertising objectives is selected usually depends on where the product is in its life cycle. Trial The purpose of the trial objective is to encourage customers to make an initial purchase of a new product.Companies will typically employ creative advertising strategies in order to cut through other competing advertisements. The reason is simple: Without that first trial of a product by customers, there will not be any re peat purchases. Continuity Continuity advertising is a strategy to keep current customers using a particular product. Existing customers are targeted and are usually provided new and different information about a product that is designed to build consumer loyalty. Brand Switching Companies adopt brand switching as an objective when they want customers to switch from competitors brands to their brands.A common strategy is for a company to compare product price or quality in order to convince customers to switch to its product brand. Switchback Companies subscribe to this advertising objective when they want to get back former users of their product brand. A company might highlight new product features, price reductions, or other important product information in order to get former customers of its product to switchback. Advertising Budget Once an advertising objective has been selected, companies must then set an advertising budget for each product. Developing such a budget can be a difficult process because brand managers want to receive a large resource allocation to promote their products. Overall, the advertising budget should be established so as to be congruent with overall company objectives. Before establishing an advertising budget, companies must take into consideration other market factors, such as advertising frequency, competition and clutter, market share, product differentiation, and stage in the product life cycle. Advertising FrequencyAdvertising frequency refers to the number of times an advertisement is repeated during a given time period to promote a products name, message, and other important information. A larger advertising budget is required in order to achieve a high advertising frequency: Estimates have been put forward that a consumer needs to come in contact with an advertising message nine times before it will be remembered. Competition and Clutter Highly competitive product markets, such as the soft -drink industry, require higher advertising budgets just to stay even with competitors.If a company wants to be a leader in an industry, then a substantial advertising budget must be earmarked every year. Examples abound of companies that spend millions of dollars on advertising in order to be key players in their respective industries (e. g. , Coca Cola and General Motors). Market Share Desired market share is also an important factor in establishing an advertising budget. Increasing market share normally requires a large advertising budget because a companys competitors counterattack 132 with their own advertising blitz.Successfully increasing market share depends on advertisement quality, competitor responses, and product demand and quality. Product Differentiation How customers perceive products is also important to the budget-setting process. Product differentiation is often necessary in competitive markets where customers have a hard time differentiating between products. For example, product differentiation might be necessary when a new laundry detergent is advertised: Since so many brands of detergent already exist, an aggressive advertising campaign would be required.Without this aggressive advertising, customers would not be aware of the products availability and how it differs from other products on the market. The advertising budget is higher in order to pay for the additional advertising. Stage in the Product Life Cycle New product offerings require considerably more advertising to make customers aware of their existence. As a product moves through the product life cycle, fewer and fewer advertising resources are needed because the product has become known and has developed an established buyer base.Advertising budgets are typically highest for a particular product during the introduction stage and gradually decl ine as the product matures. Selecting the Right Advertising Approach Once a company decides what type of specific advertising campaign it wants to use, it must decide what approach should carry the message. A company is interested in a number of areas regarding advertising, such as frequency, media impact, media timing, and reach. Frequency Frequency refers to the average number of times that an average consumer is exposed to the advertising campaign.A company usually establishes frequency goals, which can vary for each advertising campaign. For example, a company might want to have the average consumer exposed to the message at least six times during the advertising campaign. This number might seem high, but in a crowded and competitive market repetition is one of the best methods to increase the products visibility and to increase company sales. The more exposure a company desires for its product, the more expensive the advertising campaign. Thus, often only large companies can afford to have high-frequency advertisements during a campaign. Media Impact Media impact generally refers to how effective advertising will be through the various media outlets (e. g. , television, Internet, print). A company must decide, based on its product, the best method to maximize consumer interest and awareness. For example, a company promoting a new laundry detergent might fare better with television commercials rather than simple print ads because more consumers are likely to see the television commercial.Similarly, a company such as Mercedes-Benz, which markets expensive products, might advertise in specialty car magazines to reach a high percentage of its potential customers. Before any money is spent on any advertising media, a thorough analysis is done of each ones strengths and weaknesses in comparison to the cost. Once the analysis is done, the company will make the best decision possible and embark on its advertising campaign. Media Timing Another major consideration for any company engaging in an advertising campaign is when to run the advertisements.For example, some companies run ads during the holidays to promote season-specific products. The other major consideration for a company is whether it wants to employ a continuous or pulsing pattern of advertisements. Continuous refers to advertisements that are run on a scheduled basis for a given time period. The advantage of this tactic is that an advertising campaign can run longer and might provide more exposure over time. For example, a company could run an advertising campaign for a particular product that lasts years with the hope of keeping the product in the minds of customers.Pulsing indicates that advertisements will be scheduled in a disproportionate manner within a given time frame. Thus, a company could run thirty-two television commercials over a three-or six-month period to promote 133 the specific product is wants to sell. The advantage with the pulsing strategy is twofold. The company could spend less money on advertising over a shorter time period but still gain the same recognition because the advertising campaign is more intense. Reach Reach refers to the percentage of customers in the target market who are exposed to the advertising campaign for a given time period.A company might have a goal of reaching at least 80 percent of its target audience during a given time frame. The goal is to be as close to 100 percent as possible, because the more the target audience is exposed to the message, the higher the chance of future sales. The impact of advertising has been a matter of considerable debate and many different claims have been made in different contexts. During debates about the banning of cigarette advertising, a common claim from cigarette manufacturers was that cigarette advertising does not encourage people to smoke who would not otherwise.The (eventually successful) opponents of advertising, on the other hand, claim that advertising does in fact increase consumption. According to many media sources, the past experience and state of mind of the person subjected to advertising may determine the impact that advertising has. Children under the age of four may be unable to distinguish advertising from other television programs, whilst the ability to determine the truthfulness of the message may not be developed until the age of 8. Public perception of the mediumAs advertising and marketing efforts become increasingly ubiquitous in modern Western societies, the industry has come under criticism of culture jamming which criticizes the media and consumerism using advertisings own techniques. The industry is accused of being one of the engines powering a convoluted economic mass production system which promotes consumption. Recognizing the social impact of advertising, Media-watch-uk, a British special interest group, works to educate consumers about how they can register their concerns with advertisers and regulators. It has developed educational materials for use in schools.The award-winning book, Made You Look How Advertising Works and Why You Should Know, by former Media-watch (a feminist organisation founded by Ann Simonton not linked to media-watch-uk) president Shari Graydon, provides context for these issues for young readers. Compensation demanded Public interest groups are increasingly suggesting that access to the mental space targeted by advertisers should be taxed, in that at the present moment that space is being freely taken advantage of by advertisers with no compensation paid to the members of the public who are thus being intruded upon.This kind of tax would act to reduce what is now increasingly seen as a public nuisance. Efforts to that end are gathering momentum, with Arkansas and Maine considering bills to implement such taxation. Florida enacted such a tax in 1987 but was forced to repeal it after six months, as a result of a concerted effort by national commercial interests, which withdrew planned conventions, causing major losses to the tourism industry, and cancelled advertising, causing a loss of 12 million dollars to the broadcast industry alone.Negative effects on communication media An extensively documented effect is the control and vetoing of free information by the advertisers. Any negative information on a company or its products or operations often results in pressures from the company to withdraw such information lines, threatening to cut their ads. This behavior makes the editors of the media self-censor content that might upset their ad payers. The bigger both companies are, the bigger their relation gets, maximizing control over single information.Advertisers may try to minimize information about or from consumer groups, or consumer controlled purchasing initiatives or consumer controlled qua lity information systems. Another indirect effect of advertising is to modify the very nature of the communication media where it is shown. Media that get most of their revenues from publicity try to make their medium a good place for 134 communicating ads before anything else. The clearest example is television, where this means trying to make the public stay for a long time and in a mental state that encourages spectators not to switch the channel through the ads.Programs that are low in mental stimulus and require light concentration and are varied are best for long sitting times. These make for much easier emotional jumps to ads, which can become more entertaining than regular shows. A simple way to understand the objectives in television programming is to compare contents from channels paid and chosen by the viewer with channels that get their income mainly from advertisements. Future With the dawn of the Internet have come many new advertising opportunities. Pop-up, Flash, banner, adver-gaming, and email advertisements (the last often being a form of spam) abound. Each year, greater sums are paid to obtain a commercial spot during super sporting events like cricket and football championships. Companies attempt to make these commercials sufficiently entertaining that members of the public will actually want to watch them. Another problem is people recording shows on DVRs (ex. TiVo). These devices allow users to record the programs for later viewing enabling them to fast forward through commercials. Additionally, as more seasons or â€Å"Boxed Sets† come out of Television shows; fewer people are watching their shows on TV.However, the fact that these sets are sold, means that the company will additionally receive profits from the sales of these sets. To counter this effect, many advertisers have opted for product placement (prize during TV shows). Particularly since the rise of entertaining advertising, some people may like an advert enough that they wish to watch it later or show a friend. In general, the advertising community has not yet made this easy, although some have used the Internet to widely distribute their adverts to anyone wishing to see or hear them.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Introduction to the Annotated Bibliography free essay sample

Jay Jarrett Ms. Bonner English 102 26 April 2009 Introduction to the Annotated Bibliography Many may believe that communicating online is a very distinct way of meeting people in their own way. They want to have their own type of comfort zone to prey on people that they don’t even know. In most cases, that’s what happens; they are men that prey on women or little children that they meet online through today’s networks such as Myspace, Facebook, Instant Messaging, and others just like these websites. There are many studies that show interest in Internet Dating and the courtship of dating period. The articles and resources are as follows: 1) The Self- Advertisement Approach to Dating: Male/Female Differences; 2) Attitudes on Dating, Courtship, and Marriage: Perspectives on In Group vs. Out Group Relationships by religious minority and majority adolescents; 3) Redefining Firm Boundaries in the Face of the Internet: Are Firms Really Shrinking? ; 4) The Anthropology of Online Communities; 5) Digital Dating and Virtual Relating: Conceptualizing computer Meditated Romantic Relationships; 6) Online Communication and Adolescent Relationships. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to the Annotated Bibliography or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page All are relationship sources which are based on courtship and other ways of communicating towards online dating. But the most part about these sources are the tactics that they speak upon about how dangerous it is to communicate online to someone that you don’t even know. And as follows are the abstract and summaries about each article and the importance it is to know about the history of dating, though the internet was not out much long; there is many cases and dangers of internet dating to go around. Attitudes on Dating, Courtship, and Marriage: Perspectives on In-Group versus Out-Group Relationships by Religious Minority and Majority Adolescents Carol Markstrom-Adams Family Relations, Vol. 40, No. 1 (Jan. , 1991), pp. 91-96 National Council on Family Relations In this recent study, 47 non-Mormon, religious minority high school students and 36 Mormon, religious majority high school students were asked to identify perceived barriers in dating Mormons †¦.. if they were non-Mormon or in dating non-Mormons †¦. f they were Mormon. They also were asked if they advised dating between members of both groups. More barriers in dating were identified by Mormons, in contrast to non-Mormons. Further, the Mormon adolescents expressed greater reluctance in advising dating between Mormons and non-Mormons. Redefining Firm Boundaries in the Face of the Internet: Are Firms Really Shrinking? Author(s): Allan Afuah The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Jan. , 2003), pp. 34-53 Ac ademy of Management Here are presented two models of the exploring impact of the emergence and diffusion of the internet on vertical and horizontal firm boundaries. I argue that the effect of the emergence and diffusion of the internet on a firms boundaries is a function of the firms determinants of costs, moderated by the information dependence of the firms value-adding activities and the organizational technology that underpins the firms primary activities. The Self-Advertisement Approach to Dating: Male-Female Differences Rosemary Bolig, Peter J. Stein and Patrick C. Mckenry Family Relations, Vol. 33, No. 4 (Oct. , 1984), pp. 587-592 National Council on Family Relations There is a type of content analysis that’s performed on profiles or self-advertisements from a magazine for singles to identify categories of exchange used by men and women. Generally, the findings supported the traditional social exchange notion of dating for men but not for women. That is, mens profiles tended to emphasize attractiveness and other expressive qualities of potential audience in exchange for their own work status and attractiveness. Digital Dating and Virtual Relating: Conceptualizing Computer Mediated Romantic Relationships Erich R. Merkle and Rhonda A. Richardson Family Relations, Vol. 49, No. 2 (Apr. , 2000), pp. 187-192 National Council on Family Relations This article reviews Internet history and culture that has contributed to the recent emergence of a subset of romantic interpersonal relationships known as computer mediated relationships. Characteristics of these relationships in comparison to face-to-face relationships are considered. This information may assist family professionals in developing a research agenda for the new millennium, as well as incorporating new content and strategies into family life education and clinical work in the area of interpersonal relationships. Online Communication and Adolescent Relationships Kaveri Subrahmanyam and Patricia Greenfield The Future of Children, Vol. 18, No. 1, Children and Electronic Media (Spring, 2008), pp. 119-146 Princeton University Over the past decade, technology has become increasingly important in the lives of adolescents. As a group, adolescents are heavy users of newer electronic communication forms such as instant messaging, e-mail, and text messaging, as well as communication-oriented Internet sites such as blogs, social networking, and sites for sharing photos and videos. Kaveri Subrahmanyam and Patricia Greenfield examine adolescents relationships with friends, romantic partners, strangers, and their families in the context of their online communication activities. The Anthropology of Online Communities Samuel M. Wilson and Leighton C. Peterson Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 31, (2002), pp. 449-467 Annual Reviews Information and communication technologies based on the Internet have enabled the emergence of new sorts of communities and communicative practices-phenomena worthy of the attention of anthropological researchers. Despite early assessments of the revolutionary nature of the Internet and the enormous transformations it would bring about, the changes have been less dramatic and more embedded in existing practices and power relations of everyday life.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

japanese history essays

japanese history essays What essential roles did the ubasoku play in the assimilation of the Buddhist religion into the folk culture? Of the most influential people in early Buddhism the ubasoku were the main driving forces in the integration of rural Japan. These traditional shamanistic, Buddhists had come over from China and Korea. In their own country states they had supported the wrong group of politicians or they were just run out of their homelands for other various reasons. They had brought over the ways of Buddhism and superiour technology to help the native Japanese. The ubasoku were exiles, but with their superior technology they had no problem gaining acceptance in the upper class of Japanese society. The ubasoku had many unusual magical powers that intrigued both the upper and rural classes. Many of the ubasoku dwelled in the mountains and relied on the mountins to provide them with shelter and hard to come by land. On occasion a powerful member of the upper class would come to need the services of a shaman, and make the journey out to the mountains. The powerful person and their entourage would usually draw the attention of the rural people. This would provide the obasoku with sort of a commercial endorsement. This was probably one of the reasons that the peasants first elected to make the difficult journey into the mountains to observe the powers of the ubasoku. The peasants may have also needed guides on their pilgrimages to pray in the mountains. The style of ubasoku that they would encounter in the mountains would have been the yama-bushi, or holy men who sleep in the mountains. The only way that these men would have been discovered or sought out would have been with the reputation that the their cousins the junrei, known as pilgrims who traveled the country side with the intention of helping remove evil sprits or just helping people on their way to nirvana. Most of the ubasoku had strange mystical powers. Ma ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Sample - How to Use SnapChat

Sample - How to Use SnapChat How to use Snap Chat Application Purpose The Snapchat application is a platform for video and photo messaging in both Android and iOS devices. The application enables users to upload images to its server. The snapped images can be edited using quotes, time, weather information or colour filters. The users can then send the edited image or video to other Snapchat users. This document presents step by step instructions on how to install and use Snapchap application. It demonstrates and illustrates users can take, upload and send snap shot as messages. Additionally, the document presents a brief description on how to create, record video files and send as message. This document is meant for the end users of the Snapchat application. Equipment Smart phone Android OS iOS Precaution The application should only be installed in devices that are running ether Android operating system or iOS. The video files created in Snapchat application should not be more than ten seconds. Procedure Getting started Download the Snapchat application from Google store then let it install in your android or iOS device. After installation follow the steps to create a Snapchat profile with your username and profile picture Set appropriate credential after the application has been started Start the application by tapping on the Snapchap application on the main menu present in your device Taking photos and creating videos Once the application is up and running, the user can take photos and video using the application. The video file is limited to ten seconds. Taking photos using this application is simple. Tap on the button located at the bottom centre of the screen. Hold the button on the screen for up to ten seconds in order to shoot a video To upload a video or photo that is already exiting in your device, an additional application known as SnapRoll. Download the application and generate a new set of credentials then log in. Use the SnapRoll’s Snapchat editor to edit the pre-existing photo or video then choose share On the populated list, choose Snapchat in order to upload the selected video or photo. Editing media text Snapchat application presents a number of options for editing the text in the media To add text, the user should tap the photo or video. Tap the T icon on the top right corner in order to choose text options from the available three: Standard, colour centred and colour left justified Use the finger to choose the colour for the media text created Twist and pinch the created text in order to position and resize it. Editing video and photo To add colour filters, time and weather, the user should swipe right and left across the screen of the application. Tap the undo button located at the top right corner to erase the changes made Select the pencil to utilise the drawing tool Slide the finger up and down the colour icon on the right side to select a colour Sending Once the editing is done, take a screen shot of the image and save it to the library of the device or send it to selected contacts Select the image or video file to send Select the recipients from the controlled list Upload the selected file and send to the selected recipients

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in heaven Essay

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in heaven - Essay Example The characters have been generalized to emphasize on the importance of this cultural conflict. For example in the very beginning, the grave shift workers are described in the same way, whether they are Indians or Americans,â€Å"The graveyard shift worker in the Third Avenue 7-11 looked like they all do. Acne scars and a bad haircut, work pants that showed off his white socks, and those cheap black shoes that have no support.†The concept of assimilation also comes in that is the minorities try to adapt to the ways of the prevailing culture. When the narrator goes in the store that is owned by the White grave shift worker, he is immediately tagged as a robber, because he is an Indian â€Å"†¦ clerk †¦ searching for some response that would reassure him that I was not an armed robber. He knew this dark skin and long black hair of mine was dangerous. I had potential.†The theme of conflict is described when the narrator goes to a posh area, by mistake and the rich ones call the police because he â€Å"didn’t fit the profile of the neighborhood†. Moreover, the narrator also wants to tell the policeman that he did not equate or gel in the â€Å"profile of the country† but knows that it would be a reason for his troubles. The narrator constantly feels that he does not belong in this world. He cannot relate to anything. There is this continuous feeling of nothingness and as if everything has been lost. He says that there are times that he does not remember where he is and is lost. He drives for extended time periods to find something he can associate with but fails. He goes on to say that he feels as if his entire life has been spent looking for that something familiar. In between the lines, we also see that the minorities are afraid to take a risk. They have accepted the cruel behavior because they think that nothing is ever going to change. They are not ready to stand up for themselves. For example, when they are playing basketball and there is a white kid

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Civil War Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Civil War - Research Paper Example Belgian rule created more of an ethnic divide between the Tutsi and Hutu. Tutsis, who were visually fair in complexion and usually taller, were considered superior to the Hutus and had their roots in the region for centuries. The Belgian government being aware of that fact supported Tutsi political power. Each individual was issued a racial identification card which stated one as legally Hutu or Tutsi. By 1931, an ethnic identity was officially mandated and each Rwandan possessed an ethnic identity card at that time (, 2011). Tutsis due to their superior racial status started exploiting their power over Hutu majority. There was discrimination all over the region. Any person owning 10 or more cattle was considered as a member of the Tutsi class. The Hutus were treated as the third class citizens and were not given any opportunity to excel in the society. Even the education system was entirely different for both groups. This created a sense of social injustice and hat red among the Hutus for Tutsi behavior and started rebelling against them. In 1960, the Belgian diplomats surprised everyone by reversing their favoritism and encouraged Hutu uprising in the name of democracy. In the same year, Belgium government decided to hold democratic elections in Rwanda-Burundi region. The Hutu majority elected Hutu representatives ending Tutsi monarchy. By 1962, Rwanda had become a Hutu dominated state and most of the Tutsis were exiled, if not killed, to the neighboring countries for their undesirable behavior with the Hutus (Phillip, 2000). By 1990, Hutus had gained full control and were administering the country. But there still was political unrest due to slumping economy and food shortages. The main reason however was something else. The Tutsis who were exiled more than 30 years ago were now grouping together in an attempt to overthrow Hutu led government in Rwanda and also to attain the right to live there. As a result, Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) was formed with the help of Ugandan army consisting mostly of Tutsi refugees or their descendants who were exiled earlier. The RPF, under the command of Major General Fred Rwigema began to pressurize Rwandan government and demanded Habyarimana, the Rwandan president, to make concessions and allow Tutsis to freely live there and be a part of the democratic system in the country. Habyarimana, after not being able to satisfy RPF’s demands and also RPF’s unwillingness to wait any longer and trust any longer the Rwandan government to fulfill its promises led RPF to wage civil war in the country (, 2011). On 1st October, 1990, around 50 RPF rebels crossed the Ugandan border into Rwanda killing a guard at the Kagitumba border post. Hundreds more followed them with artillery and support provided to them by the Ugandan National Army. In few days after the first attack, the RPF army had advanced 60km to the south in the town of Gabiro creating violence and chaos in the region. This forced the government to launch a counterattack on RPF. The Rwandan Armed Forces (RAF) had a greater army and more advanced weaponry provided to them by the French as compared to rebels. However, RPF forces continued to invade Rwanda and more and more troops were deployed. As the civil war continued in the north, opposition to the government increased in Kigali. President Habyarimana was placed under immense pressure to take democratization measures and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Social class Essay Example for Free

Social class Essay Social class indeed does make a distinction in the lives and future lives of American children. In his works, Lareau draws on a comprehensive and carefully observations of white and black middle-class and working and poor families offering a dramatic portrait of childhood in the modern world. The social class that a child finds him/her in decides whether he/she will achieve the desirable American vision. Parenting and childhood differ with social class; a social class discrepancy influences the speed and rhythm of daily life. The social class in which the parent belongs to impact significantly on the way the parent will bring up his/her children. Social class creates a unique parenting style. Parents differ by class in the way they describe their own task in their children’s lives as well as how they understand the environment of upbringing. The middle class parents tend to conform to a cultural logic of childbearing which we call concerted cultivation. They attempt to promote their children’s talents by use of planned free time activities and general reasoning. They also support their children to get involved in various age-specific planned activities that govern family life and generate huge labor, especially for mothers. The parents portray these activities as a way of conveying essential life skills to their children (Lareau 20). Middle class parents lay emphasis on the use of language and development of reasoning and use of conversation as they favored form of discipline. Middle class parents discuss with their children at length seeking their opinions and encouraging their ideas. Their strategy involves direct expenses like the cost of buying equipment for plating with their children and indirect expenses for example the expenses involved in taking off leave to spend with their children. They get involved in sports, music and educational activities. This kind of nurturing creates diversity of experiences for children and generates an anxious pace for parents, leads to individualism amidst the family and emphasizes on children’s performance. Working class and poor parents engage in a cultural logic of achievement of natural growth, providing the conditions under which children can develop while leaving the children free to select the kind of activities to engage in during their free time. The childrearing approaches for employed class and unemployed emphasize on the importance of natural growth. These parents believe their children will grow and succeed provided they are given food, love and safety. They do not center on building up their children’s particular talents (Lareau 32). Working parents make use orders rather than logic. There is no much talking in lives of employed parents. Parents to children discussion in working class is so minimal.. Parents tend to use stiff commands and expect quick positive answers. Children who disobey parent’s orders expect to be punished. Working parents are inclined to issue more orders to their children and put more stress on physical discipline as compared to middle class parents. Working–class children engage in few planned play activities as compared to children whose parents are in the middle class. Working parents do not monitor their children’s free time and activities; they only intervene in specific areas such as dressing, meal times and chores They also have more free time and hence more profound and stronger ties with their extended families (Hart and Todd 19). On the other side children in middle class have weaker social ties due to the fact that they get engaged in adult-organized activities. The busy and strict children’s schedules found among middle class families make it hard to arrange and attend regular extended family get together. Their parents also tend to form weak rather than strong ties by having social networks that include professionals only. Working parents not likely to include professionals in their social networks but are more likely to speak with their kin on a daily routine than their friend. Their children interact with different age groups which include their cousins and children in their neighborhood. Despites differences in values between the two classes, there are disparities amongst parents and children behavior. A difference in cultural logic gives parents and their children differential resources in their interactions with professionals and other adults away from home. Working parents are more skeptical to professionals such as doctors and teachers than middle class guardians. They also display fear of the powerful individuals in the society as opposed to their counterpart. Middle class parents are better armed to exercise power over other teanagers compared to working parents (Lareau 41). Working class parents teach their children to keep themselves away from those occupying high places in the society, to be distrustful of institutions and to some extend to oppose official authority. These make the children to absorb the adult’s feeling of subjection in their society relationships (Hochschild 17). The middle class children enjoy fortunate lives; they live in large houses, some have swimming pool, most children have their own bedrooms with some with computers and varied kinds of toys. They also tend to enjoy their holidays as they flew out of the country in airplanes and travel by sports car one or two hours from home to participate in their activities (Hofferth and John 33). The employed class children display a sense of restraint in their relations with powerful figures in society. They are not likely to try to tailor interactions to favor their own choices. They blindly conform to accept actions of persons in authority. Employed parents appear not to be aware of their children’s school circumstances for example when they children are not doing assignments. They believe that the academic issues should be handled only by the teachers. Due to fear of intimidation by authority figures, they fear teaching their children the wrong things. They perceive school and home as separate worlds. They also dismiss school rules as irrational. Middle-class working parents consider themselves equal or at times superior to their children teachers. They walk in and out of classrooms comfortably as though they have the right and freely ask for their children to be included in certain school programs and more specifically try to modify the school experience to favor their children. The fact that school use specific linguistic structure, authority models and form of syllabus which the children from middle/upper children are familiar with gives them a ‘home advantage’. School official themselves acknowledge the use of concerted cultivation being members of the middle-class themselves; they believe that concerted cultivation is the right way to bring up children. Lareau never praise one parenting style as opposed to the other. Both taking care of children have their own demerits and merits. For example, Middle class children are only taught the rules superseding relations with official figures but are not taught on important social skills such as planning their free time hours during weekends or holidays or even on how to associate with adults in a subordinate manner. Middle class children have also learned from their parents to make things work in their own advantage at the expense of others. For example, they make special request to teachers to change time-tables to house their desires (Lareau 47). Each strategy of childrearing makes sense in its own setting. All these disparities in parenting style have some long term consequences. It has been observed that the approaches utilized by parents and children are not uniformly successful across classes. However, our society emphasizes on the importance of skills learned from the concerted cultivation than those learned through the achievement of natural growth. When working-class children move from childhood to adulthood, they find that the ability to be organized and to be eloquent are appreciated more than the skills to operate outside formal organization, placing them at a lesser competitive advantage. Parent’s economic resources play a major role in determining the kind of parenting style the parent adapts. Middle-class parents are advantaged to have access to resources as opposed to their counterparts. For example the middle class parents sees the enrollment fees charged in school as small while for the working class it is really expensive. Middle class parents are able to pay for expensive clothes for their children, buy them equipment to play with, pay for their hotel accommodations when far from home during vacations, afford to buy them fast food and summer camps. Middle-class parents have dependable private means of transportation and flexible working schedules which enable them to spend more time with their children. Educational resources also play an important role in parenting styles. Middle class high level of education gave them an upper hand when it comes to facilitating concerted cultivation and especially in institutional involvement. This also bestow in them assurance of criticizing educational professionals and prevailing in school issues. Where as employed parents view teachers as their social superiors. Works Cited Hart, B. and Todd, R.Significant Disparities in the Daily Practices of Young Children. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes, 1996. Hochschild, J. Looking Into the American Reality: Race, Class and the Spirit of the Country. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. Hofferth, S. and John, S. â€Å"How American Family Use Their Free Time†. Journal of Marriage and the Family Relations 63(4), 2001. 295-308 Lareau, Annette. Invisible Disparity: Social Class and Child nurturing in Black Families and White Families. American Sociological Evaluation, 67(2002): 747-776. Lareau, Annette. Unequal Upbringing: Class, Race, and Family Life. Berkeley: California Press, 2003.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Emotion in T.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay examp

Emotion in T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock In his poem â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,† T.S. Eliot subtly conveys a wide variety of Prufrock’s emotions; he creates pathos for the speaker by employing the â€Å"objective correlative,† which Eliot defines as â€Å"a set of objects, a situation, a chain of events [that] shall be the formula of that particular emotion† (â€Å"Hamlet and His Problems†). The first stanza introduces Prufrock’s isolation, as epitomized metaphorically by â€Å"half-deserted streets† (4): while empty streets imply solitude, Eliot’s diction emphasize Prufrock having been abandoned by the other â€Å"half† needed for a relationship or an â€Å"argument† (8). Hoping for a companion, Prufrock speaks to the reader when saying, â€Å"Let us go then, you and I† (1), as he needs to address his lament to an audience; conscious of the reader’s curiosity regarding the â€Å"overwhelming question,† (10) Prufrock answers, â€Å"Oh, do not ask, ‘What is it?’† (11). (The likely explanation for Eliot’s inconsistent use of you in this stanza is Prufrock probably meaning you as â€Å"To lead one,† as he refers to himself and not the reader in line 10.) Eliot continues the metaphor of Prufrock’s lonesomeness by anthropomorphizing the â€Å"yellow fog† and â€Å"smokeâ⠂¬  (15, 16) to signify Prufrock, who interacts not with people, but only the environment in the third, fourth, and fifth stanzas. Clearly it is Prufrock who â€Å"rubs [his] muzzle on the window-panes† (15, 16), passively lets â€Å"fall upon [his] back the soot that falls from chimneys† (19), â€Å"slides along the street† (24), and performs the actions also described; also, the opacity of â€Å"fog† and â€Å"smoke† symbolizes the difficulty with which readers perceive Prufrock’s true character, further separating ... ...ers/you make of them,† (37-9); Prufrock defines his misfortune by women, just as King Lear, also called â€Å"fool,† attributes his madness to women (his daughters). Reminiscent of Hamlet and Lear asking for the procreation of men like themselves to end , Prufrock thus speaks for all people like himself when he sentences those limited by inaction to death. Most likely intentional, the entire poem can be considered a metaphysical conceit designed to create pathos: Eliot uses the extended metaphor of Prufrock not acting, except mentally, and thus dying alone as the objective correlative for Prufrock’s anxiety of choice and consequent despair. Work Cited Eliot, T.S.. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: Norton, 1996. Pinion, F. B. A T.S. Eliot Companion. Totowa: Barnes & Noble Books, 1986. Emotion in T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay examp Emotion in T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock In his poem â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,† T.S. Eliot subtly conveys a wide variety of Prufrock’s emotions; he creates pathos for the speaker by employing the â€Å"objective correlative,† which Eliot defines as â€Å"a set of objects, a situation, a chain of events [that] shall be the formula of that particular emotion† (â€Å"Hamlet and His Problems†). The first stanza introduces Prufrock’s isolation, as epitomized metaphorically by â€Å"half-deserted streets† (4): while empty streets imply solitude, Eliot’s diction emphasize Prufrock having been abandoned by the other â€Å"half† needed for a relationship or an â€Å"argument† (8). Hoping for a companion, Prufrock speaks to the reader when saying, â€Å"Let us go then, you and I† (1), as he needs to address his lament to an audience; conscious of the reader’s curiosity regarding the â€Å"overwhelming question,† (10) Prufrock answers, â€Å"Oh, do not ask, ‘What is it?’† (11). (The likely explanation for Eliot’s inconsistent use of you in this stanza is Prufrock probably meaning you as â€Å"To lead one,† as he refers to himself and not the reader in line 10.) Eliot continues the metaphor of Prufrock’s lonesomeness by anthropomorphizing the â€Å"yellow fog† and â€Å"smokeâ⠂¬  (15, 16) to signify Prufrock, who interacts not with people, but only the environment in the third, fourth, and fifth stanzas. Clearly it is Prufrock who â€Å"rubs [his] muzzle on the window-panes† (15, 16), passively lets â€Å"fall upon [his] back the soot that falls from chimneys† (19), â€Å"slides along the street† (24), and performs the actions also described; also, the opacity of â€Å"fog† and â€Å"smoke† symbolizes the difficulty with which readers perceive Prufrock’s true character, further separating ... ...ers/you make of them,† (37-9); Prufrock defines his misfortune by women, just as King Lear, also called â€Å"fool,† attributes his madness to women (his daughters). Reminiscent of Hamlet and Lear asking for the procreation of men like themselves to end , Prufrock thus speaks for all people like himself when he sentences those limited by inaction to death. Most likely intentional, the entire poem can be considered a metaphysical conceit designed to create pathos: Eliot uses the extended metaphor of Prufrock not acting, except mentally, and thus dying alone as the objective correlative for Prufrock’s anxiety of choice and consequent despair. Work Cited Eliot, T.S.. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: Norton, 1996. Pinion, F. B. A T.S. Eliot Companion. Totowa: Barnes & Noble Books, 1986.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Oklahoma Bombing Speech Analysis

One of the top 100 speeches of all time was said by Bill Clinton, when he was addressing the memorial of the Oklahoma Bombing. This was said In 1995 when tragedy struck the lives of hundreds. Innocent women, men, and children were murdered for no apparent reason, and people needed someone to turn to. This person was Bill Clinton, he responded In ways of composure and emotion that just added to his already powerful speech; he addressed the Issues the correct way. He was given the almost Impossible task to piece the nation back together after this ragged.HIS goal was to mourn with the audience, but not to dwell on It, he wanted to try and help them to move on. HIS use of pathos, logos, and ethos added to the effectiveness of the speech. He began his speech by addressing the ones that were most effected, and then by addressing the rest of the world. He establishes himself and his credibility by not only being the president, but also being a father, a husband, a person. When he says â₠¬Å"Hillary and I also come as parents, as husband and wife, as people who were your neighbors for some of the best years of our lives.This builds his pathos and ethos and allows the audience to connect with him on a more personal, deeper level, knowing that he is just like the rest of them, that they share a common ground. This allows Clinton to talk to them, not above them. Immediately after this he uses the emotions of the audience to his advantage, through the use of pathos. He grieves and mourns with the audience; this is shown when he says â€Å"You have lost too much, but you have not lost everything,† everything being America. Clinton uses a quotation from a widowed mother that only helped the rhetorical sense of the speech.He quotes her by saying, â€Å"The anger you feel is valid, but you must not allow yourselves to be consumed by it. The hurt you feel must not be allowed to turn into hate, but instead into the search for Justice. † These words are powerful a s is, but the fact that they were spoken by someone who has experienced what they are going through cause the words to mean so much more. They listen to her words more the Clinton in my opinion, because she has been In their shoes. Another use of quotations Is when he quotes Mr†¦ Keating â€Å"If anybody thinks that Americans are mostly mean and selfish, they ought to come to Oklahoma.If anybody thinks Americans have lost the capacity for love and caring and courage, they ought to come to Oklahoma†. This helps the audience feel closer to the situation, they may grieve together, but they will also fight together, for Justice. He also fortifies his speech by the use of parallel structure and repetition In order to add to the aspect of persuasion. His use of repetition is seen when he says â€Å"We mourn.. We share†¦ We thank.. We pledge. † The use of we signifies that Clinton, as the president and as a friend will mourn with them. It means that in these times o re than ever we must come together as a nation.He uses repetition and parallel inspirational kind of tone to it, because of this the audience feels the need to stand up to evil and hatred, because good trumps evil any day. Another time we see this is through the â€Å"Who worked† sequence. This plays to the emotion of the audience and puts what has occurred into a reality. Lastly when he talks about planting the tree in honor of the children, this makes the audience believe and understand that he does care. Bill Clinton brought the nation together, and helped them move on when it was thought impossible.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Albert Einstein- the 20th Century Science Hero Essay

Albert Einstein is considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century. He is known for developing the theories of relativity. He is also noted for his mathematical formula of E = mc? (David Bodanis). Although he was not directly involved in the Manhattan Project, which was responsible for creating the atomic bomb, but he is still considered the mastermind because of his breakthrough formula. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect (A.  Calaprice & T. Lipscombe). The Einstein’s were a secular, middle class Jewish family. Albert’s father Hermann Einstein was a salesman and an engineer who owned a company that manufactured electrical equipment and his mother Pauline Koch was a house wife. They were living in Ulm, in Wurttemberg, Germany, when Albert was born on March 14, 1879 (Whittaker). In 1894, Hermann Einstein’s company failed to get an important contract to electrify the city of Munich and he was forced to move his family to Milan, Italy. Albert was left at a boarding house in Munich to finish his education (A. Calaprice & T. Lipscombe). It was at this location, that Albert began elementary school at the Luitpold Gymnasium, where he excelled in his studies. He enjoyed classical music and played the violin. However, he was not fond of formal education and made it his business to teach himself math and science (Whittaker). One of the books Albert was intrigued with was a children’s science book in which the author imagined riding alongside electricity that was traveling inside a telegraph wire. Einstein began to wonder what a light beam would look like if you could run alongside it at the same speed. If light were a wave, then the light beam should appear stationary, like a frozen wave. Yet, in reality, the light beam is moving. This paradox led him to write his first â€Å"scientific paper† at age 16, (Whittaker). â€Å"The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields. † This question of the relative speed to the stationary observer and the observer moving with the light was a question that would dominate his thinking for the next 10 years (A.  Calaprice & T. Lipscombe). While his parent remained in Italy, Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland. In 1896 Einstein attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics (Whittaker). Five years later, he earned his diploma, and acquired Swiss citizenship. Also at this time he was unable to find a teaching post, so he accepted a technical assistant position in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor’s degree (A. Calaprice & T. Lipscombe). During his stay at the Patent Office, Einstein had a lot of down time. This is noteworthy because it was in this spare time, that he produced much of his remarkable work. Some of these great accomplishments included being appointed Privatdozent in Berne, becoming Professor Extraordinaire at Zurich, also Professor of Theoretical Physics in Prague, and returning to Zurich in the following year to fill a similar post (Whittaker). In 1914 he was appointed Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute and Professor in the University of Berlin. Einstein’s accomplishments were on the rise and became very important works which include the Special Theory of Relativity (1905), Relativity (English translations, 1920 and 1950), General Theory of Relativity (1916), Investigations on Theory of Brownian Movement (1926), and The Evolution of Physics (1938). Among his non-scientific works, About Zionism (1930), Why War? (1933), My Philosophy (1934), and Out of My Later Years (1950) are perhaps the most important (A. Calaprice & T. Lipscombe). Albert Einstein received honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine and philosophy from many European and American universities. During the 1920’s he lectured in Europe, America and the Far East and he was awarded Fellowships or Memberships of all the leading scientific academies throughout the world. He gained numerous awards in recognition of his work, including the Copley Medal of the Royal Society of London in 1925, and the Franklin Medal of the Franklin Institute in 1935 (Whittaker). He became a German citizen in 1914 and remained in Berlin until 1933 when he renounced his citizenship for political reasons and emigrated to America to take the position of Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton. He became a United States citizen in 1940 and retired from his post in 1945 (Whittaker). While Einstein was touring much of the world speaking on his theories in the 1920s, the Nazis were rising to power under the leadership of Adolph Hitler. Einstein’s theories on relativity became a convenient target for Nazi propaganda. In 1931, the Nazi’s enlisted other physicists to denounce Einstein and his theories as â€Å"Jewish physics (A. Calaprice & T. Lipscombe) . † At this time, Einstein learned that the new German government, now in full control by the Nazi party, had passed a law barring Jews from holding any official position, including teaching at universities. Einstein also learned that his name was on a list of assassination targets, and a Nazi organization published a magazine with Einstein’s picture and the caption â€Å"Not Yet Hanged† on the cover (A.  Calaprice & T. Lipscombe). In December, 1932, Einstein decided to leave Germany forever. He took a position a the newly formed Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey, which soon became a Mecca for physicists from around the world. It was here that he would spend the rest of his career trying to develop a unified field theory—an all-embracing theory that would unify the forces of the universe, and thereby the laws of physics, into one framework—and refute the accepted interpretation of quantum physics. Other European scientists also fled various countries threatened by Nazi takeover and came to the United States. Some of these scientists knew of Nazi plans to develop an atomic weapon. For a time, their warnings to Washington, D. C. went unheeded (David Bodanis). In the summer of 1939, Einstein, along with another scientist, Leo Szilard, was persuaded to write a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt to alert him of the possibility of a Nazi bomb. President Roosevelt could not risk the possibility that Germany might develop an atomic bomb first. The letter is believed to be the key factor that motivated the United States to investigate the development of nuclear weapons. Roosevelt invited Einstein to meet with him and soon after the United States initiated the Manhattan Project (M. Talmey). Not long after he began his career at the Institute in New Jersey, Albert Einstein expressed an appreciation for the â€Å"meritocracy† of the United States and the right people had to think what they pleased—something he didn’t enjoy as a young man in Europe (David Bodanis). In 1935, Albert Einstein was granted permanent residency in the United States and became an American citizen in 1940. As the Manhattan Project moved from drawing board to testing and development at Los Alamos, New Mexico, many of his colleagues were asked to develop the first atomic bomb, but Eisenstein was not one of them. According to several researchers who examined FBI files over the years, the reason was the U. S. government didn’t trust Einstein’s lifelong association with peace and socialist organizations. FBI director J.  Edgar Hoover went so far as to recommend that Einstein be kept out of America by the Alien Exclusion Act, but he was overruled by the U. S. State Department. Instead, during the war, Einstein helped the U. S. Navy evaluate designs for future weapons systems and contributed to the war effort by auctioning off priceless personal manuscripts (David Bodanis). One example was a handwritten copy of his 1905 paper on special relativity which sold fo r $6. 5 million, and is now located in the Library of Congress (M. Talmey). On August 6, 1945, while on vacation, Einstein heard the news that an atomic bomb had been dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. He soon became involved in an international effort to try to bring the atomic bomb under control, and in 1946, he formed the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists with physicist Leo Szilard. In 1947, in an article that he wrote for The Atlantic Monthly, Einstein argued that the United States should not try to monopolize the atomic bomb, but instead should supply the United Nations with nuclear weapons for the sole purpose of maintaining a deterrent. At this time, Einstein also became a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He corresponded with civil rights activist W. E. B. Du Bois and actively campaigned for the rights of African Americans (Whittaker). After the war, Einstein continued to work on many key aspects of the theory of general relativity, such as wormholes, the possibility of time travel, the existence of black holes, and the creation of the universe. However, he became increasingly isolated from the rest of the physics community. With the huge developments in unraveling the secrets of atoms and molecules, spurred on by the development to the atomic bomb, the majority of scientists were working on the quantum theory, not relativity. Another reason for Einstein’s detachment from his colleagues was his obsession with discovering his unified field theory. In the 1930s, Einstein engaged in a series of historic private debates with Niels Bohr, the originator of the Bohr atomic model. In a series of â€Å"thought experiments,† Einstein tried to find logical inconsistencies in the quantum theory, but was unsuccessful. However, in his later years, he stopped opposing quantum theory and tried to incorporate it, along with light and gravity, into the larger unified field theory he was developing (Whittaker). In the last decade of his life, Einstein withdrew from public life, rarely traveling far and confining himself to long walks around Princeton with close associates, whom he engaged in deep conversations about politics, religion, physics and his unified field theory.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Siege of Louisbourg in the French and Indian War

Siege of Louisbourg in the French and Indian War The Siege of Louisbourg lasted from June 8 to July 26, 1758, and was part of the French Indian War (1754-1763). Located on the approaches to the St. Lawrence River, the fortress at Louisbourg was a critical part of New Frances defenses. Eager to strike at Quebec, the British first attempted to take the town in 1757 but were thwarted. A second attempt in 1758 saw a large expedition led by Major General Jeffery Amherst and Admiral Edward Boscawen land forces near the town and conduct a siege of its defenses. After several weeks of fighting, Louisbourg fell to Amhersts men and the path to advancing up the St. Lawrence had been opened. Background Situated on Cape Breton Island, the fortress town of Louisbourg had been captured from the French by American colonial forces in 1745 during the War of the Austrian Succession. With the end of the conflict in 1748, it was returned to the French in the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in exchange for Madras, India. This decision proved controversial in Britain as it was understood that Louisbourg was critical to the defense of French holdings in North America as it controlled the approaches to the St. Lawrence River. Nine years later, with the French Indian War underway, it again became necessary for the British to capture Louisbourg as a precursor to a move against Quebec. In 1757, Lord Loudoun, the British commander in North America, planned to fight on the defensive along the frontier while mounting an expedition against Quebec. A change in administration in London coupled with delays in receiving orders ultimately saw the expedition redirected against Louisbourg. The effort ultimately failed due to the arrival of French naval reinforcements and severe weather.   A Second Attempt The failure in 1757 led Prime Minister William Pitt (the Elder) to make the capture of Louisbourg a priority in 1758. To accomplish this, a large force was assembled under the command of Admiral Edward Boscawen. This expedition sailed from Halifax, Nova Scotia in late May 1758. Moving up the coast, Boscawens fleet met the ship carrying Major General Jeffery Amherst who had been assigned to oversee the ground forces. The two assessed the situation planned to land the invasion force along the shores of Gabarus Bay. Armies Commanders: British Major General Jeffery AmherstAdmiral Edward BoscawenBrigadier General James Wolfe14,000 men, 12,000 sailors/marines40 warships French Chevalier de Drucour3,500 men, 3,500 sailors/marines5 warships French Preparations Aware of British intentions, the French commander at Louisbourg, Chevalier de Drucour, made preparations to repel the British landing and resist a siege. Along the shores of Gabarus Bay, entrenchments and gun emplacements were built, while five ships of the line were positioned to defend the harbor approaches. Arriving off Gabarus Bay, the British were delayed in landing by unfavorable weather. Finally on June 8, the landing force set out under the command of Brigadier General James Wolfe and supported by the guns of Boscawens fleet. This effort was aided by feints against White Point and Flat Point by Brigadier Generals Charles Lawrence and Edward Whitmore. Coming Ashore Meeting heavy resistance from the French defenses near the beach, Wolfes boats were forced to fall back. As they retreated, several drifted to the east and spotted a small landing area protected by large rocks. Going ashore, British light infantry secured a small beachhead which allowed for the landing of the remainder of Wolfes men. Attacking, his men hit the French line from the flank and rear forcing them to retreat back to Louisbourg. Largely in control of the country around the town, Amhersts men endured rough seas and boggy terrain as they landed their supplies and guns. Overcoming these issues, they commenced an advance against the town. The Siege Begins As the British siege train moved towards Louisbourg and lines were constructed opposite its defenses, Wolfe was ordered to move around the harbor and capture Lighthouse Point. Marching with 1,220 picked men, he succeeded in his objective on June 12. Constructing a battery on the point, Wolfe was in prime position to bombard the harbor and the water side of the town. On June 19, British guns opened fire on Louisbourg. Hammering the towns walls, the bombardment from Amhersts artillery was met by fire from 218 French guns. The French Position Weakens As the days passed, French fire began to slacken as their guns became disabled and the towns walls were reduced. While Drucour was determined to hold out, fortunes quickly turned against him on July 21. As the bombardment continued, a mortar shell from the battery on Lighthouse Point struck Le Cà ©là ¨bre in the harbor causing an explosion and setting the ship on fire. Fanned by a strong wind, the fire grew and soon consumed the two adjacent ships, Le Capricieux and LEntreprenant. In a single stroke, Drucour had lost sixty percent of his naval strength. Final Days The French position worsened further two days later when heated British shot set the Kings Bastion on fire. Situated inside the fortress, the Kings Bastion served as the fortress headquarters and was one of the largest buildings in North America. The loss of this, quickly followed by the burning of the Queens Bastion, crippled French morale. On July 25, Boscawen dispatched a cutting out party to capture or destroy the two remaining French warships. Slipping into the harbor, they captured Bienfaisant and burned Prudent. Bienfaisant was sailed out of the harbor and joined the British fleet. Realizing that all was lost, Drucour surrendered the town the following day. Aftermath The siege of Louisbourg cost Amherst 172 killed and 355 wounded, while the French suffered 102 killed, 303 wounded, and the remainder taken prisoner. In addition, four French warships were burned and one captured. The victory at Louisbourg opened the way for the British to campaign up the St. Lawrence River with the goal of taking Quebec. Following that citys surrender in 1759, British engineers began the systematic reduction of Louisbourgs defenses to prevent it being returned to the French by any future peace treaty.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Inventor Otis Boykin Improved the Electrical Resistor

Inventor Otis Boykin Improved the Electrical Resistor Otis Boykin is best known for inventing an improved electrical resistor used in computers, radios, television sets and a variety of electronic devices.  Boykin invented a variable resistor used in guided missile parts and a control unit for heart stimulators; the  unit was used in the artificial heart pacemaker, a device created to produce electrical shocks to the heart to maintain a healthy heart rate. He patented more than 25  electronic devices, and his  inventions greatly assisted him in overcoming the obstacles that society placed in front of him  during that era of segregation. Boykins inventions also helped the world achieve the technology so prevalent today. Biography of Otis Boykin Otis Boykin was born on Aug. 29, 1920, in Dallas, Texas. After graduating from Fisk University in 1941 in Nashville, Tennessee, he  was employed as a laboratory assistant for the Majestic Radio and TV Corporation of Chicago, testing automatic controls for airplanes. He later became a research engineer with the P.J. Nilsen Research Laboratories, and he eventually founded his own company, Boykin-Fruth Inc. Hal Fruth was his mentor at the time and business partner. Boykin continued his education at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago from 1946 to 1947, but he had to drop out when he could no longer pay tuition. Undeterred, he began to work harder on his own inventions in electronics - including resistors, which  slow the flow of electricity and allow  a safe amount of electricity to move through a device. Boykins Patents He earned his first patent in 1959 for a wire precision resistor, which - according to MIT - allowed for the designation of a precise amount of resistance for a specific purpose. He patented an electrical resistor in 1961 that was easy to produce and inexpensive. This patent - a huge breakthrough in science - had the  ability to â€Å"withstand extreme accelerations and shocks and great temperature changes without danger of breakage of the fine resistance wire or other detrimental effects.† Due to the significant cost reduction of electrical components and the fact that the electrical resistor was more reliable than others on the market, the  U.S. military utilized  this device for guided missiles; IBM used it for computers. The Life of Boykin Boykin’s inventions allowed him to work as a consultant in the United States and in Paris from 1964 to 1982. According to MIT, he  created an electrical capacitor in 1965 and an electrical resistance capacitor in 1967, as well as a number of electrical resistance elements. Boykin also created consumer innovations, including a burglar-proof cash register and a chemical air filter.   The  electrical engineer and inventor  will forever be known as one of the most talented scientists of the 20th century.  He earned the Cultural  Science Achievement Award for his progressive work in the medical field.  Boykin  continued to work on resistors until he died of heart failure in 1982 in Chicago.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Portfolio - Essay Example Japan has become one of the industrialised countries to some extent (Cusumano, 2013). The pillar Japanese industries like housing and the auto industry are developing in leaps and bounds. The main exported products in Japan are electric and machinery equipment and the most imported products are the raw materials used in industries. Because of economic extroversion, the industry of Japan has internationally competed in the recent years and as a result, the industrial development in the country is highly influenced by global economic environments (Cusumano, 2006). The price of exports in Japan keeps on declining thus making it more challenging than other sectors. Foreign-invested enterprises and products’ market share, on the other hand, keep on increasing. These two factors increase the challenges that the domestic industry of Japan faces based on production and selling (Krafcik, 2008).For instance, the domestic enterprises are affected particularly. In addition, industries such as light and textile have decreased their growth rate since the year 1990. Additionally, the production rate of products such as durable consumption goods has drastically decreased.The main dominant sector in the economic status of Japan remains its industries and manufacturing sectors. Despite decreasing the nation’s GDP by 5% percent, industrialization still remains the leading sector and has contributed to 55 percent of the country’s GDP in the year 2012 (Lieberman, Lau & Williams, 2000). This cemented the position of Japan as among the leadin g country in terms of industrial output. The industrial sector in Japan has not only increased the economic growth of the country, but also increased the rate of employment opportunities. More factories are being opened day by day in Japan, thus creating both professional and non-professional employment opportunities. Industrial development

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Strategic plan for healthcare enterprise Assignment

Strategic plan for healthcare enterprise - Assignment Example As an independent faculty, MFA is dedicated to ensuring that they provide quality, safe and affordable medical care for everyone who steps in one of the clinics all over the Washington, D.C area. The faculty has invested in training and recruiting new doctors that bring with them new ways of dealing with crucial cases that may arise in the clinics. Being an association of physicians, the faculty covers a wider scope of the medical industry. Therefore, there is, need to invest resources in training the members with the new ways of treatment. In addition, the faculty has to invest in acquiring new technology that eases the process of treatment. This will help the faculty to continually add to the experience and the range of the treatments that it offers. The technology will have to be in line with the regulations that have been stipulated by the FDA on medications and technology. The Business process that is currently used by the organization, works well for the organization in pushing its agenda. However, as times change, new regulations on the business process of the industry forces the faculty to adjust so that they can full fill the legal obligations that have been set. The business process has to be on point so that the faculty cannot land in problems. Investing in a good business process might seem as the best option to improve the services offered by the faculty. However, the business process needs to be in line with the needs of the faculty and the regulations set by the FDA. The success of the faculty needs to be in line with the appropriate FDA guidelines (ETQ, 2012). Swift development of business process software’s that provide solutions to the changing market demands need to adhere to these regulations. It is important for the faculty to research well before employing the services of any software. The faculty has ensured that the technolog y for the business process has fulfilled all the regulation set by the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Health Standing for Mexico Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Standing for Mexico - Assignment Example Health Standing for Mexico Mexico cumulative health statistics has improved to a great extent over the years. Nevertheless, Mexico lags behind other Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development nations (OECD) in health standing and health care accessibility. Overall health care expenditure accounted for a 6.9% of GDP in the year 2009; for every capita expenses on health care was US$846, which was adjusted for buying power parity, making it an approximate of a divide of four parts of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development typical. In the year 2009, 45.5% of health expenditure was remunerated from public sources. Private backing in Mexico is almost exclusively in the structure of out-of-pocket expenses, as only 3.1% of totality expenses on health are subsidized through private health assurance (UNICEF, 2010). Healthcare within Mexico is worldwide, which makes private programs’ health cover pointless except for utilization in private hospitals. A numbe r of authorities have made a note of that whilst Mexico has a number of 3000 private hospitals; a few private hospices could by a hair's breadth be well thought-out hospitals at all, given that they do not have laboratories, radiography paraphernalia, or even nurses. The outstanding 1000 or several public hospitals take account of the greater part of hospital divans and, in fact, the size of private hospitals are establishments that have less than 20 beds. In the year 2009, Mexico had an approximate of 1.8 doctors as well as 2.2 nurses for every 1,000 population, a noteworthy boost in healthcare human resources over the preceding decade but again underneath the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development standards for these pointers. The death rate for children who are younger than five years of age was 17 for every 1,000 surviving births in the year 2009, and Mexico has given away a faster increase of rate to lower death rates when compared to the United States and Canada within the preceding 10 years. 94% of the populace had direct access to clean water and 85 % to sanitation (UNICEF, 2010). In the same year of 2009, the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) amid persons who are 15 years of age to 49 years of age was 0.3%. At 11,000 deaths in a year vs. 22,000 deaths per year in the United States, this corresponds to a 44% elevated per capita mortality rate than the U.S. The Mexican government has made Health Insurance for a New Generation referred to as "Life Insurance for Babies’, which will reduce the death rates of children. This will help families to effectively take care of their children till they reach adulthood, without any difficulties in how they are to pay for health services they access. Universal Care Coverage has been made available for Pregnant Women. This is particularly vital because these women can have access to prenatal care making sure that the unborn babies are wel l taken care of till they are born and after with the Life Insurance specifically meant for babies (UNICEF, 2010). Top Recommendations to the Mexican Leadership I recommend that Mexican leaders should make universal Care Coverage public for everyone.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Look At The Samaritan Woman Religion Essay

A Look At The Samaritan Woman Religion Essay If I was asked to suggest one word which sums up Johns gospel, it would be the word encounter. The word became flesh and dwelt among us encounter. Look, the Lamb of God encounter. John goes on to record many of the people whom Jesus met in the course of His ministry. He constantly drew these people to Himself. He was the answer to the great spiritual needs of their life. Regardless of who they were, their basic need was to meet with Him, for an encounter with Jesus. In Ch 3 there is the encounter between Nicodemus, the teacher of Israel, and Jesus, the redeemer of the world. And then in stark contrast here in Ch4, the women of Samaria encounters Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus meeting with this woman was at noon. Jesus was utterly weary, physically exhausted. He sat on the wall around Jacobs well. Note in passing that, though Christ is the eternal Son of God, He was also truly human, the Word become flesh. He knew weariness, thirst, sadness, suffering and ultimately death. Two whole and perfect natures in one person. It is a comfort to us to know our Saviour is aware of our earthly lot. He is able to understand our needs as well as having the supply of grace to help us in our time of need. It is the grace of Jesus which is the first thing the woman experiences 1. The Grace of Jesus is displayed We learn a great deal about Jesus from His dealings with this woman. The amazing fact is that He took the first step the initiative was His. He made a simple request give me a drink. It appears like a simple gesture, but it explodes the age old myth that God is distant and remote. In actual fact God is close and immediate, and this is so because He comes. He takes the initiative. What is even more remarkable in this first century culture was the fact that He spoke to a woman, and to compound it all, a Samaritan woman at that. Strict social and religious rule held sway among Jewish rabbis forbidding them ever to speak to a woman in the street not even his own mother would be acknowledged some of the Pharisees had utter contempt for women, they would daily thank God that He had not made them a woman. And in particular, Samaritan women the bitter quarrel had gone on for 400 years, the Jews of pure blood despised the half-breed Samaritans who were heretics. Orthodox Jews travelling from Judea north to Galilee where Jesus had grown up went a roundabout way to avoid going the direct route through Samaria, even though it doubled their journey from three to six days. Even if a shadow of a Samaritan fell on an orthodox Jew, he was considered unclean. If a Jew did take the short cut through Samaria on his way to Jerusalem, the Samaritans would not sell him necessities of bread and water. There was mutual loathing and distrust. But theres more. Not only was she a woman, not only was she a Samaritan woman, but also she was sexually immoral and promiscuous. She had had five husbands, and the man she was living with now was not even one of them. A bidey in. No wonder she was at the well at noon instead of the usual evening hour for drawing water. She wanted to avoid knowing looks and sharp tongues of other women who would despise her. Yet despite all that, Jesus shows perfect courtesy and grace in asking her a favour. He knew all about her. If no one else in the world cared for her, He did, and He longed for her to know the peace and life He alone could give her. And to bring things right up to date, the reality is that He has the same sympathy for us in our sins and weaknesses. He longs to offer us His love and power. He offers her water of a very different kind from that which hes just asked her for living water that would satisfy her spiritually. Water elsewhere in Johns Gospel is a symbol of new life through the Holy Spirit into the heart through faith in Christ (e.g. John 7:37-39). The water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life (John 4:14). This water which Jesus gives is so completely satisfying that whoever drinks of it will never be thirsty again. These are words of Jesus that speak very directly to our deepest needs. How many of us, once the masks and disguises we wear have been taken off, can testify to the deep unsatisfied longing within our souls? How often when people talk about the change that Jesus has made in their lives do they speak of emptiness and dissatisfaction that was there before? How they tried everything to meet that need, but all in vain till they came to Christ. Augustine said, Thou hast made us for Thyself and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in Thee. There was an old song which summed up the difference that Jesus makes Now none but Christ can satisfy. There is none other name for me. Theres love and life and lasting joy, Lord Jesus, found in Thee This is what Jesus is trying to get across to her. I can supply you spiritual needs, you spiritual thirst and longing by offering you water which will spring up within you the life that Jesus gives is no tame or stagnant thing. It is abundant life, life in all its fullness, that sparkles, thrills and satisfies. This is the wonder of knowing Christ and the great blessings imparted by Him. If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink (John 7:37), says Jesus on another occasion. In Jesus they will be well supplied by an ever-flowing stream, which never runs dry. Yachting!! Unlike the world, Christ offers a real and lasting satisfaction. If we drink at the worlds fountains, we are satisfied for an hour. If we drink at Christs fountain, we have perpetual satisfaction. It is not dependent on adversity or prosperity, fear or joy. This well keeps springing up, and it is all a free gift. 2. The need for Jesus is awakened But we notice from Johns account that at first the woman misunderstood Jesus. She took Him literally, and replied that he did not have a bucket. The well was in fact 100 feet deep. Nicodemus had made the same mistake in taking Jesus literally (How can a man enter his mothers womb for a second time and be born again?). In both cases, Jesus was speaking of spiritual things. But it begins to awaken a sense of need in the woman. To show her how much she needed this new spiritual life He was offering He puts His finger on the weakness, failures and sin in her life things that deep down she was aware of, but probably had never openly admitted to anyone before. She admitted to Him her current living arrangements. He knew her private life perfectly. He knew she had broken the seventh commandment. And now she knew it too. He didnt accuse, nor did he wag his finger or confront her with her sin. He simply touches her conscience, and encourages her to name her own sin. And then she reacts. Shes suddenly faced with herself as she is, as God sees her, and she wants to change, she longs for this new life, a better life the full life, the clean life. Shes had enough of the wagging tongues and turned backs. She longs to belong, to be part of her community once again. We never really see ourselves until we are in Jesus presence. The Christian experience begins with a sense of sin. We are awakened to ourselves, our need of God, of forgiveness and cleansing and life. Not till we see the beauty of Christ do we understand the ugliness of our lives. But now shes feeling uncomfortable. She tries to change the subject, but what a mistake. She enters into theological discussion with the Son of God. If Nicodemus, the teacher of Israel was out of his depth, what hope had she? But it was just a diversion. She entered an argument about the right place of worship. She hoped to divert from Jesus pointing out of her sin by showing Him she did have enough of religion to get by. Its almost as though shes saying, well, I go to church, and at least I go to the right one we Samaritans worship in the right place. But Jesus reply pulls her back to His point. It does not matter where you worship, as long as you worship in spirit and in truth. Right back to the basic issues, its not about the forms of religious observance, its not about which church you go to or not, its the state of your heart that matters. Religion is not about outward forms and ceremonies. Jesus looks at the heart, the state of the inner life. Yet still today people love an argument how to interpret the creation stories in Genesis 1, where did Cains wife come from, (literalism!,) what hymn book should we use, how should the church be governed, what form of baptism, should we use set prayers or free prayerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. These are not the real issues. The question in the forefront ought to be what is the state of my heart? Am I right with God? Do I have new life in Christ Jesus? Ultimately have you accepted the gift that Jesus offers new and abundant life? 3. The gift of Jesus is received It gradually dawns on the woman that she was in the presence of no ordinary person. He knew her private life and secrets. He knew all about God and His worship. And then He reveals He is the promised Saviour and Messiah that the Samaritans, like the Jews, were waiting for. He presents Himself directly as the answer to the womans problem. He is the One sent by God to be the Saviour of the world, of Jew, Samaritan and Gentile alike. How ready Christ is to reveal Himself to the soul of sinners. I am the one you are looking for. Paul Swinson What is it you are looking for? The real question is, Who are you looking for? What is the state of your inner life tonight? Behind the faà §ade, is there loneliness, emptiness, inadequacy, and hunger? Are you in search of satisfaction? Have you tried everything but still feel the same? Jesus reaches out in his grace to you tonight. He wants to awaken that need of Him in you tonight, and offers you the gift of life, which will bubble up within you like living water. Yes He must put His finger on the sin that has to be forsaken and forgiven. Sin has to be brought to the surface. But his desire is not to condemn you, he doesnt want to reproach you, He simply longs to save you, and satisfy the deepest longing of your heart. Hear His voice and respond to His invitation If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Test Of Salem :: essays research papers

The Tests of Salem The Crucible is a play, which brings attention to many timeless issues. The nature of good and evil, power and its corruption, honor and integrity and irony are all brought up in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Irony what doe sit men? Irony means incongruity between what is expected to happen and what actually occurs. In The Crucible there are three different aspects of irony. Irony is present through many scenes of the play and it is very important to the outcome of the story. Three types of irony that are in the play is man vs. man, man vs. society and man vs. man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first aspect of irony in the story is when Elizabeth Proctor lies to the court to save her husband but instead gets him in more trouble and helps Abigail. Proctor tells the court that his wife has never lid before but when thy call for her she says something with the intention of helping him but ironically she make his situation worse. 'In her life, sir, she have never lied. There re them cannot sing, and them that cannot weep – my wife cannot lie. I have paid much to learn it, sir';(Miller 111) In the quote Proctor is telling the court that some people cannot sing and some are to strong to weep and his wife will not lie. Another example of irony that can be used in the situation is that the husband thinks his wife will never lie and to prove she will never lie he admits that he has committed adultery which his wife already knows about and the court puts his wife to a test. The court asks his wife if her husband has the affair and instead of the wife say ing yes she says no, thinking it will save her husband. 'To your own knowledge, has John Proctor ever commits adultery and she is saying no. By these couple of scenes in the story it shows how irony can change the outcome of the story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another example of irony in the story is when Abigail is trying to kill Proctor's wife by accusing her of witchcraft but instead gets Proctor killed. Abigail is in love with John Proctor in the story and the whole point of Abigail being in the woods is to make a love potion so John will fall in love with her again.